How can you save money on room and board while you go to school, meet lots of new people, and help incoming freshmen feel safe and welcome? That’s easy! Become a resident assistant or RA for short.
An RA is a person who is in charge of ensuring that dorm life is a positive experience for everyone. Working closely with a director of student services or another official, RAs help greet new students, ensure that everyone is aware of the rules of dorm life. Plus they enforce those rules and regulations as needed. And, in more serious situations, they are often the first point of contact during an emergency.
As an RA, you will often get free or discounted room and board at a university. Sometimes you might make a small salary. This job involves lots of responsibilities. At the same time, you will learn organizational and leadership skills, time management, mediation, and team building. It’s a rewarding job, although you may not always be the most popular person.
Does this sound worthwhile to you? If it does, check out our resident assistant cover letter example. Don’t forget to read through the writing tips as well.
RA Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format
The student who wrote this letter clearly is eager to take on this challenging position and showcases how her past work experiences make her a strong fit.
Download example (Word version)
Resident Assistant Cover Letter Example – Text Format
Dear Ms. Taylor,
My name is Lenora Ninja, and I am writing to apply for the position of RA at the South Campus Co-Ed dormitory. I am a first-year graduate student at South College and also the current co-chair of the Student-to-Student Orientation Center. My attached resume further explains my professional background. You will also find a letter of recommendation from my own RA of the past four years, Wes Crusher. It was also Wes who informed me of this position and encouraged me to apply.
In preparation for applying for this position, I have completed the required online RA training. I have also shadowed two resident assistants to familiarize myself with the daily tasks that I will be expected to perform. While I understand that I still have many things to learn, I am confident that I can do this job very well. My past work experience in customer service also makes me confident that I would provide effective issue resolution and assistant to the residents and establish positive relationships while also maintaining a sense of professionalism.
While I am attending classes this year, I don’t have any intention of working outside of the college campus. This should leave me plenty of time to ensure that the residents are safe and comfortable, and to plan a range of activities to help incoming students adjust, and connect with one another.
I have also spent the past three summers working in the foodservice industry. There I have developed skills including time management, customer service, conflict resolution, and have been in the position of ensuring that my peers follow rules and procedures. I am also a volunteer peer counselor and have completed training in violence awareness and prevention, and crisis intervention.
Please review my attached resume at your leisure. I look forward to meeting with you and starting the school year as your newest RA.
Lenora Ninja
How to Write a Compelling RA Cover Letter
Your letter will likely be reviewed by one or several people at the administrative level. Thus, it’s important to maintain a good balance between enthusiasm and professionalism. The following tips should help you accomplish just that.
Demonstrate That You Did Your Research
What have you done to prepare yourself to take on this responsibility? Most RA applicants are required to pass a background check. Many schools require training in subjects such as first aid, mental health awareness, security processes, and more. Remember that you may be competing with experienced resident assistants for these positions. Be proactive, and ensure that you are fully qualified to start right away.
Debi Douma-Herren
Senior Certified HR Professional & Career Coach
Follow the Application Instructions
What file type should you use for your cover letter and resume? Do you email your cover letter or upload it through the university website? Should you wait to be called for an interview, or are there open interviews, scheduled at a specific location? When is your application due? All of these are important questions, and you need to find the answers to them.
Think of it this way. If you can’t follow the instructions to apply for the job, how can the university trust you to manage a dorm of college students getting their first taste of freedom and independence?
Edit your Letter Carefully
Your cover letter should be concise, clear, and well-written. Take some extra time to edit it, and remove any redundant and rambling parts, as well as cutesy remarks or slag. It’s worth showing a bit of professionalism to the hiring committee.
Prove You Have the Time
An RA isn’t a job for someone who is going to be leaving town every weekend or clubbing at night. You will have duties such as conducting room checks, helping resolve conflicts, and checking people in and out of the building. Some RAs also act as “Activities Directors” by helping to plan fun dorm events and celebrations. So this position is often more suited for the extraverted types.
Final Tip: Put the Students First
Be sure to focus on how you can help students feel safe and have a good experience in college. Avoid mentioning any benefits you believe you will gain from having this job (like discounted lodging). Instead, focus on explaining how you could help cultivate and support the university brand through your daily actions.