Most employers expect applicants to submit a cover letter along with the other application documents. Vet receptionist jobs are no exception. Since you’d be likely corresponding with the practice’s customers (and maybe business partners) over email and phone, you’ll have to show that you have strong writing skills.
But not just that, a cover letter also provides extra context to your resume and helps showcase some of your unique personality traits. Sounds like a lot for one page, right? But don’t worry, this post breaks down how to write a cover letter for vet receptionist jobs after providing a sample letter.
Vet Receptionist Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format
Below is a sample cover letter from an applicant with no experience of working as a vet receptionist, but a bunch of transferable skills.
Download example (Word version)
Cover Letter Example for Vet Receptionist – Text Format
Dear Dr. Patterson,
Does it feel that your phone always buzzes when you are about to give a shot to an already terrified furry patient? Have you ever mixed up your appointment times? Does inbox zero feel like a weirdly alien concept for your practice?
If you’ve answered yes to at least one of the above questions, then you definitely need an efficient, friendly, and self-organized receptionist like me, Maddy Ninja. What makes me so confident that I’d be a great fit for Zoopolis Clinic?
First of all, I’m both mentally and physically resilient. I have grown on a farm with 3 elder brothers, who have always teased me about my small height and girly interests. Yet, it was Josh, my elder brother, who fainted during his first lambing season, not me. In fact, I went on to help my father with birthings every year. So I feel very comfortable with assisting you in different procedures, should you need me to. Or providing relief to the concerned and dizzy pet parents.
Secondly, I’m a good multi-tasker and feel comfortable with digital technologies. As a social media intern at Clarks Magazine, I’ve learned to expertly navigate appointment schedules, work with different online booking and task tracking systems, provide customer support on social media, and prevent the inbox from overflowing. I’d be happy to run the admin tasks at your clinic with the same efficiency.
Finally, I know that Zoopolis employs one of the best and most carrying specialists. A couple of years ago, I had brought my elderly cat, Davis, to your specialists. While, unfortunately, they couldn’t treat him for the late-stage FIP, Dr. Angels provided great emotional support to me — a fact I still remember today.
I’d be delighted to provide the same levels of care and support to patients at your clinic should you decide to hire me.
Maddy Ninja
Other Relevant Cover Letter Examples to Check
How to Write a Cover Letter for Vet Receptionist Jobs
Working as a vet receptionist is a good entry-level career for people completing their veterinary training. It can be also a good full-time gig for all animal lovers. But to get hired, you’d have to convenience the people behind the clinic first. Here’s how to do so in your cover letter.
Hook the Reader with Your Opening
The common advice recommends putting your name and position you are after in the first paragraph. That makes sense when you are applying to a bigger company with loads of open vacancies.
But if you are after a job in a local smaller clinic, drop those basics in favor of a catchier opening like the one you saw in the example above. It’s bold, but also highly persuasive. The writer clearly demonstrates that she has a “get done” attitude.
You can also try alternative hooks for your cover letter such as:
- Advertising your main accomplishment
- Highlighting a recent achievement/news about the employer
Highlight Your Unique Traits
Receptionist jobs don’t require a ton of hard skills. Therefore, it may be hard to stand out using your administrative and digital skills only. Try adding a bit more “color” in your cover letter by sharing some quick tidbits about your personality, work ethic, and passion for animals. How does either of the above make you especially good at getting the job done? Illustrate with a quick example.
Avoid Embellishments
When you don’t have much relevant work experience it may be tempting to somewhat “embellish” your abilities. In fact, 78% of candidates admit they misrepresented themselves on their application or would consider doing so. But the problem is that those small lies will quickly submerge once you start working. And many employers will feel very disgruntled about the fact that you lack the skills you’ve advertised at length.
So what should you do instead? Highlight your transferable skills from another industry. Maybe you’ve previously worked as a cashier. This likely means you are rather attentive and can help with basic billing tasks at a vet practice. Good with social media and digital apps? Bring that up too!
Final Tip: Format Your Letter For Readability
Most vets are busy folks. The last thing they want after a busy day is to attempt reading a wall of text you’ve sent them. So make sure your cover letter has at least three paragraphs (ideally of about 2-3 sentences). Likewise, keep your sentences on a shorter end and use bullet points if it makes sense!