You might say that an operations manager has the most important job of all. After all, they are responsible for ensuring that whatever a company does is performed correctly, efficiently, and profitably. It’s a mission-critical position. Plus, skilled operations managers are in high demand.
At the same time, these well-paying jobs are demanding and competitive. You’ve got the right skills. Now it’s time to pitch them to potential employers. We’ve got some helpful writing tips ready just for that ! Then review our sample cover letter for operations manager.
Claire Webber
Career Consultant, CPCC, CPRW
Be Clear and Concise
You’ll want to demonstrate that you are focused, organized, and efficient. You need to convince the hiring manager that you are ready to come in and get straight to the action.
Show that you mean business by making your cover letter short and on-point. We strongly recommend that you use a simple cover letter template. This will help you to create a visually appealing letter that’s likely to be an attention-grabber, too!
Use Data to Prove Your Success
Hiring managers want to see what kind of value you will bring to the company. In particular, they’ll want to know about what you’ve done to improve processes, save money, increase production, and ensure regulatory compliance.
Start by reading the job listing carefully. You’ll want to discern exactly the skills they are seeking, and what your role might be. For example, a company may hire you to help fix an operation that’s struggling to meet its goals. Another employer might be searching for a manager who is growth-oriented. If you understand the goals behind the position, you will know just what skills to emphasize in your cover letter.
Your resume will provide a high-level summary of your expertise. In your cover letter, you’ll need to show what you’ve done with those skills. Use data to help accomplish this. Here’s an example:
“At the time I was hired as Assistant Operations Manager, Acme Chemical Products struggled with regulatory compliance. They were fined an average of 22 million dollars annually for EPA violations. I was able to work closely with inspectors to identify where breakdowns were occurring. Within 12 months we were fully compliant, paying zero dollars in fines.”
Know What’s Important in The Industry Right Now
There are so many things that can impact an industry. For example, changes can occur in regulations, customer preferences, technologies, natural events, even politics. All of these can cast an impact on the company’s operations.
That’s why this isn’t a heads-down executive position. You must be aware of what is going on in the world, and how that’s impacting the industry. Use the letter you are writing to show that you understand the potential employer’s industry, and current goals and concerns.
Show That You’re a People Person
Operations managers are responsible for ensuring that things get done on time and on budget. They focus on strategy, cost, and efficiency. In many ways, they live by the numbers and often have a background in business analysis. A good operations manager is key to the growth and financial success of a business. Unfortunately, with that much focus on getting products out the door, and creating efficient processes and procedures, you risk being seen as a bit of a taskmaster.
Don’t forget the other side of operations management. After all, you are the one who ensures that everybody on the team is properly trained and motivated. You must be a great negotiator and communicator, too!
Use your cover letter to show that you can keep top performers motivated, and get struggling low-level workers up to speed. Remember that operations managers often participate in negotiations with vendors, suppliers, and unions.
Operations Manager Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format
Download example (Word version)
Cover Letter Example For Operations Manager – Text Format
Dear Mrs. Taylor,
I am writing to you to express my interest in the position of Operations Manager at Darby Processing. As a Senior Operations Manager, I know exactly how to steer growth and foster improvements in the areas of logistics, cost management, compliance, production, and resource allocation. I have a clear understanding of what you are looking for and am confident that I am the perfect candidate.
As you will be able to tell from my resume, I specialize in managing operations for companies that are struggling to meet their goals due to issues relating to daily operations and ongoing strategy. In my most recent job, I was brought on board to solve a variety of issues including continual OSHA safety violations, inability to meet quotas, and supply chain failures.
During my first 18 months in the role, I worked with government agencies, stakeholders, and employees to create several tangible improvements. The most significant was a 95% decrease in job site accidents and the creation of a third shift that led to a 65% improvement in productivity metrics. However, I am proudest of working with our HR department to create an internal training program that engages workers and gives them opportunities to work their way into positions with better pay and more responsibility.
I have done significant research into your company, Taylor Textiles. I believe that 2020 will be an exciting year with an increase in the availability of domestically produced fabrics. In fact, I think there are many opportunities to create growth and customer appeal as these changes unfold.
Let’s meet for lunch! I’d enjoy meeting you and going over your goals for the next fiscal year.
Brian Ninja
Final Tip: Act Confident
Remember that Operations Management is a directorship position. The reader needs to be able to envision you taking charge and being an effective, credible leader. Notice that the example letter above maintained a confident tone, and suggested a lunch meeting, just as you might do with a peer. This projects self-confidence — a very important trait to have for this role!