The increasing popularity of ATMs and online banking doesn’t mean that bank teller jobs are going away. This trend simply means that a bank teller must be on top of their game to succeed in the job market. You have the skills and experience required. Now it’s time to communicate your value.
Whether you have years of experience or are seeking an entry-level position as a bank teller, you are in the right place. Below is a list of helpful cover letter tips. In the end, we’ll close things out with a sample bank teller cover letter for inspiration.
Start at The End With a Great Call to Action (CTA)
A call to action is a brief sentence or two in the last paragraph of your cover letter. It simply tells the reader what you would like them to do next. The best CTAs are confident and positive. Close your letter with the assumption that the hiring manager wants to meet you. Don’t ask ‘if’ they would like to meet. Focus on the when and where.
Show a Bit of Personality
A bank teller must combine customer support skills with a bit of sales expertise. The most successful types are friendly and outgoing. Your cover letter is the first indication of your personality that the hiring manager will get.
Be professional, but write your letter using a friendly, upbeat tone. If you can, share an anecdote that highlights your positive demeanor and willingness to be helpful.
Debi Douma-Herren
Senior Certified HR Professional & Career Coach
Connect With The Reader
If you can establish a connection or familiarity with the person reading your letter, you’ll increase your chances of moving forward in the application process. Try to identify some sort of connection that you can use.
For example, did a mutual acquaintance tell you about the job opening? Maybe you’re familiar with the bank because they’ve sponsored a community event you’ve enjoyed. Whatever it is, be sure to mention that early in your letter.
Use a Conservative Yet Attractive Layout
Most of the other applicants will likely use a standard business letter format. You know, the kind that comes with your basic word processing software. Give yourself an edge by using a cover letter template that has been created by a professional designer.
The template you choose should be attractive. At the same time, it should look corporate, and be a bit on the conservative side. Something like this simple cover letter template is more professional than a basic business letter format, attractive, but not overly flashy.
Mention a Second Language
Are you bilingual? There are regions in which this is such a valued skill that you will immediately be placed on the shortlist for hire. If you speak a second language, mention that in your cover letter. Add it to your resume as well, and bring it up in the interview.
If you’ve actually served customers in that language, that’s even better. Just keep in mind that banks are in the business of reaching out to community members with their products and services. If there are people in your community that speak a different language, your skills will be considered a very valuable asset.
Add Special Services
There are some duties that most bank tellers complete each day. Then, other skills are a bit more specialized. If you have these skills or other additional experience that can boost your chances of getting hired. Here are some things that you might mention in your cover letter:
- Selling CDs and other time deposits.
- Supervising or training other tellers.
- Assisting safe deposit box customers.
- Working as a vault teller.
- Proficiency with specific banking software packages
Bank Teller’s Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format
Download example (Word version)
A Cover Letter Example For Bank Teller Job Seekers – Text Format
Dear Mr. Mike Evans,
Last week my college roommates and I were playing at the Cardinal Village charity golf tournament with your head teller, Jody Smith. She mentioned that you had an opening for a bank teller, and I am excited to apply for that position. I have more than two years of experience working in retail banking and consistently scored more than 90% in customer satisfaction scores. In addition to this, I am currently the sales record holder at Riley Credit Union. In January alone, I sold more than 200K in time deposit products and referred 10 customers to our investment banking services team. I’m interested in moving to a larger banking group and think I would be a great fit at Cash National Bank.
In my two years of working as a bank teller, I have developed cash handling skills, the ability to balance a drawer and become a proficient user of Teller Max software. In addition to my regular duties as a bank teller, I also work as the weekend vault teller. I am also fluent in Spanish and have been fortunate to be able to assist many banking customers in the local Latinx community.
I will be attending mandatory banking professional training next week. I’ve heard that you will be presenting a class there as well. Let’s make arrangements to meet during the event. I look forward to discussing this position further.
Bradford Ninja
Final Tip: Don’t Be Shy of Your Successes
In addition to listing your skills and duties, mention what you have accomplished in the previous banking job. Then, quantify those results with actual numbers. For example, don’t say that you’ve opened a lot of checking accounts. Instead, state that you averaged opening six high interest checking accounts each day.