As an educator, your best chance of making a difference is to land a teaching job in a school where your abilities can be put to use. Every teacher and counselor has their own unique set of talents, personal characteristics, and skills. When those are matched with the ideal educational environment, great things can happen.
So, where do you begin? If you have the experience, education, and a true passion for teaching, you are off to a great start. Now, you just need a resume and cover letter combination to showcase your talents and passions. In this post, we offer several actionable tips for writing a strong cover letter, followed by an education cover letter sample that can be adapted to different counseling roles.
Avoid One-Size-Fits-All Cover Letters
You may decide to submit your application to multiple school districts, and private schools. That’s a good idea, but you should take the time to write a separate cover letter for each application, not a generic teaching cover letter. This will allow you to personalize each cover letter for the specific position you are applying for. This way, you can address the exact needs and requirements of each school, and your letter can reflect an understanding of what is required to work there.
Claire Webber
Career Consultant, CPCC, CPRW
Emphasize a Passion For Serving Others
The best teachers and counselors care about others. This is something that is reflected in many things they do, not simply their profession. As you write your letter and describe your experiences and skills, remember to emphasize how you have applied the concept of service to others in the jobs you have held.
Write About Your Achievements
Your letter should include examples of the things you have accomplished as a teacher or counselor. For example, you could mention test scores, college admissions percentages, or awards you have won.
Certifications Are Key
When school districts hire teachers and counselors, they must be very careful to ensure that all staff members have the required training and certifications. In some cases, this is quite challenging. It is very common for a school district to have hiring difficulties because there is a lack of candidates who have the right certifications.
If you have a certificate, especially one that is in high demand, include information about that in your cover letter. For example, most districts struggle to find qualified staff who are certified for special education. This is the kind of information that is quite attention-getting, and will likely help your application earn further consideration.
How Else Have You Worked With Children?
Do you have a proven rapport with kids? What about your experience managing groups of kids, or acting as a mentor? Even if you don’t have any classroom or school experience, you can still show that working with students is an avocation of yours. Mention volunteer work and other jobs where you worked directly with children such as working as a librarian, teaching assistant, or a nanny.
Show That You Are a Team Player
Students have the best chance of success when teachers, counselors, administrators, and other professionals all work together cooperatively. Show that you can play a role in creating a supportive educational environment by working with other professionals. If you have worked as part of a team, now is the time to let the hiring manager know.
School Counselor Cover Letter Sample in .docx Format
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Cover Letter Example For School Counselor – Text Format
Dear Dr. Beyers,
I recently learned that there was an open position for a guidance counselor at Williams Academy. I have read the job listing, and believe that I am a perfect candidate for this position. As the current guidance counselor at Miller Prep, I work with a student body that is quite similar to the one you direct at Williams. I believe that this experience along with my passion for education makes me more than qualified to take on this challenge.
I am certified as a school guidance counselor by the National Private Education Accrediting Group. In my current position, I have been able to pilot a program that led to increased graduation rates, and improved test scores. Moreover, I began a mentorship program that connects high school students with small business owners in the community. That work earned a Parker Education award for both myself and my partner Davis Willians. Outside of school, I am proud of my work with the Boy Scouts of America, and my work as Girl’s Volleyball coach at Miller Prep. One thing that I will be able to do as a Guidance Counselor at Williams Academy is to offer my services as a girl’s athletic coach.
Williams Academy has a reputation for providing students with a supportive yet academically challenging environment. I was impressed at the state educators’ conference last year when I witnessed the amount of support and teamwork that is evident among your staff. I would love to be a part of that. I’ll follow up in 7 days to discuss the best time to meet for an interview.
Beverly Ninja, School Counselor
Final Tip: Use Keywords
This is an important point that you cannot forget as you write your letter. Use the job listing as a guide. Identify the most important keywords that are relevant to the job for which you are applying. Then, use them in your letter to ensure you move onto the next phase of the hiring process.